This is my first time that I grow tomatoes and they are so lovely!They are getting bigger and the one of them is ready to eat!! yay!Cris sent me a great pizza recipe while ago, so I am planning to make it soon!
The theme of corner view this week is music. I like to play piano but I am not really a good player, so I rather listen to this piano music which is my favorite. It makes me relax and at the same time, I can enjoy underwater...
please check out Spain Daily to see other corner views!
My napkins are featured on Daily Candy today. Please also check it out!
Look what he did!! He stole my tulip bulbs which I left them near the window and he ate them all!! He comes to my balcony and digs up my plants all the time.... What should I do??
The theme of corner view this week is street fashion. I was inspired byjgycorner view this week. She has posted some photos of her daughter carrying a Japanese school bag, randoseru. I still remember that I was carrying red randoseru while I was in elementary school. So, I am still in the mood for the late 70s and I decided to post some photos of my early childhood.
This is a photo of me and my grandmother in my hometown. She was lovely lady and I remember that she always wore kimono.
Please check out Spain dailyto see other corner views!
I took a little walk in the forest in the early morning. I felt so refreshed...
+ Lovely epe gave me "the beautiful art award" on Monday. Thank you epe! The general rule for this award is to pass them on to other bloggers that inspire you.It's very difficult to choose ... but I would like to pass the award to Jane (great corner view )
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I had a great day!
The theme of corner view this week is "out your back door or window". These are the photos I would like to see from my window since I only see ugly buildings.... How nice if I hear bird singing in the morning & frog singing in the evening instead.
I was in the country over the weekend and celebrated my birthday early over there.My lovely friend, Frank who is a great artist + teacher living in the country, invited me to his house in upstate which it took me about 2 hours from the city. We went hiking and spent whole Saturday afternoon in the mountain. I saw some chipmunks which were super cute! The colors of leaves, mosses and fungus were just gorgeous and inspiring me a lot!
After our hiking, we went his friend's house for birthday dinner in the evening. His friend and my birthday are almost on the same day. So, we celebrated our birthday together. I really enjoyed the delicious dinner with great people. Frogs were singing in the pond and I saw some deers running in the backyard. What a beautiful place!
I am going to visit my friend in upstate tomorrow morning and then we will go hiking together in the mountain. It's so nice to get out of town and get some fresh air!
The corner view of this week is the beach! This is my hometown in Japan and a photo of me and my brother. I grew up in the rural countryside on the Southern coast of Japan surrounded by beaches and mountains, which became my playground.
My parents house is one block away from the beach...
My father used to take me out fishing when I was a girl.